Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Belgian Pale Ale Project – Smuttynose Brewing Company’s Star Island Single (#24)

12 ounce bottle decanted into a tulip.  4.7% ABV.  There is a “best before” date inked on the glass, but it has been nearly worn off.  The only number I can see is the year, which is “13”.  I sure hope the rest of them call for out something in December.

Appearance:  Brilliant, light amber.  Only a thin ring of foam around the edges (3/5).

Aroma:  Apples, cinnamon, and floral hops.  Very simple bouquet (3/5).

Taste:  This beer definitely features the characteristic cider quality of a Belgian Pale Ale in its base, but it’s very dialed back.  I also pick up a bit of papaya and a whisper of hop flavor on the back-end (3.5/5).

Mouthfeel:  Medium/light body, light carbonation (3.25/5).

Overall:  Smuttynose claims that this beer is made as a “gateway beer” for people who are not into craft beer.  Of all the Belgian Pales Ales that I’ve had that were dumbed down to cater to the lowest common denominator, this is probably the best.  I’m not crazy about the practice of neutering a style just to make it more approachable, but I’m also not in the business of selling beer.  Ultimately it’s a nice, easy-drinking beer that I am absolutely passionless about (3.25/5).


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